Sometimes we forget
            the sacrifices they made.

Our Mission

The Patriot Group is dedicated to promoting and ensuring the safety of men and women who put their lives at risk to save the lives of all those who find themselves in a disaster or emergency situation.

Our mission is to assist all emergency response personnel and the citizenry at large on a local, national and international level across both private and governmental organizations.

Our goal is to provide support and emergency resources that are needed in all phases of preparing, planning and managing emergency crisis situations in an urban or rural setting. We will especially focus on crisis areas where there is a need for access to resources that are not typically available due to lack of funds or a challenging location.


The Patriot Group organization consists of available emergency professionals and volunteers who are highly trained and have essential experiences in related professions outside the Emergency Response field. Our capabilities are also supplemented as required by technical specialists in other unique professions and are exclusively available to our organization.

Central to The Patriot Group's mission is the belief that by providing these critical services and resources, we will not only be saving lives and minimizing human suffering but also assisting our communities and cities to become more resilient and recover more quickly from a disaster.

As a result of our rescue and disaster planning and recovery work, The Patriot Group is committed to encouraging community involvement on a local and international level bringing safety, good will, and the spirit of global citizenship to our world.